Matches (17)
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The Heavy Ball

What to do when there's no cricket on TV

Warning: it may involve exposure to direct sunlight

Trish Plunket
Darren Lehmann was angry that Stuart Broad didn't walk after edging a ball. But what are the real crimes in cricket? asks Sir Cops A Lot
Match-fixing? Ball-tampering? Cricketers who start every answer they give in interviews with "Yeah, nah"? Frankly, Lehmann's sunglasses could very well qualify as a cricketing crime.
Other cricketing crimes, in no particular order: being overly precious about the position of the sightscreen, refusing to wave at the crowd when they ask you to, being mean to the kid who won the competition to be the 13th man, getting out playing the same stupid shot you played (and got out with) the last three innings, and getting drunk and obnoxious at the after-match.
Urinating on bouncers, urinating on the pitch? Is there a pattern here for us to psychoanalyse? asks Bladder Patrol
This, as far as I can tell, is a boy thing. Boys pee on pretty much everything. How often do you see a woman get done for public urination? You don't. And it's not just because it's physically more difficult. Blokes have this weird, animal tendency to mark things with their urine. This is especially so if they've been drinking. So, when you get a group of inebriated blokes with the need to truly show their mastery of a certain location, then I guarantee that at least one person will drop trou and go for a wee. It's disgusting, yes, but almost understandable.
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How to become a cricket tragic

Do you really need to be taught how? Then step this way and meet our agony aunt

Trish Plunket
Should Ashton Agar be made to realise his role in preserving the future of Australian cricket and be instructed to start having babies on the double? asked Aussie apocalypse
I have my suspicions that Ashton Agar is already involved in some kind of plan to replicate Australian cricketers. Cos you know where you find agar? In petri dishes. Now I'm not saying that Ashton was grown in a lab with the express purpose of playing cricket and attempting to pull Australia out of their epic downward spiral, except that I'm totally saying it. You heard it here first.
As to whether he should be encouraged to create babies asap, there's something missing from this equation. Any baby conceived in the old-fashioned way can only have 50% of his genes. So either you'd have to pair him up with similarly talented women, or clone him. For the sake of the ladies (he's a funny-looking chap, let's just say it) I vote for cloning.
I am a pole-dancing teacher. How do you think I should convince international cricket teams that pole-gyrating should be on their fitness routine? asked Bendy Betty
I would show them videos of champion pole dancers who can literally look like they are swimming with no water. They float on their own epic core strength. To the ladies (and dudes, I know some dudes) who do that, you have my utmost respect. Mainly because you have a greater chance of becoming Batman than I do.
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Arthur asks Ecuador for asylum

Also revealed, the story behind Afridi's "star-man" wicket celebration, and Ashton Agar's upcoming cricket-themed TV show

R Rajkumar
Arthur in Ecuador asylum request
While rumours continue to swirl as to whether or not the
Mickey Arthur compensation claim against Cricket Australia was leaked to the press intentionally, the sacked coach has reportedly added to the confusion by approaching the Ecuadorian embassy in London for asylum.
"We do not know why he has done this," said a statement from the embassy. "In fact, we do not know who this Mickey Arthur is, and would appreciate any leads in that regard."
"I am a cricket coach who has been wrongfully sacked," said Arthur helpfully, in a statement of his own read out by his lawyer. "And I have sensitive information that puts my safety at risk. For example, I can tell you now that Watson did in fact tell on Warner vis-a-vis the Joe Root punch. Also, I would like [Ecuadorian] President Rafael Correa to know that I felt like I was the meat in the sandwich between Watson and Clarke," he added. "I reiterate: I felt like I was the meat in the sandwich," the statement concluded.
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Kohli relieved to be able to curse again

Also revealed, why Vettori turned down an NZC contract, and Australia's plans to sledge Root

R Rajkumar
"I love the smell of green lip balm in the morning"
(by guest paragraphist Umar Akmal)
Ah, there's nothing like "getting-selected-for-national-duties-again-after-having-been-discarded-for-no-good-reason" season in Pakistan. It's a time of year quite unlike any other, one that we have grown accustomed to having punctuated by the sweet sound of ball meeting willow, the musical tinkle of a family member's bedroom window as it is stoned by irate fans, and what for me is a bit of a personal touch - the sweet, sweet smell of lizard-green lip balm in the morning: the distinctive pong wafting out of a freshly opened can awakens the senses; the act of spreading the cream across the skin evokes a martial aspect, as though one is preparing for war; and the green colouring that makes my gorgeous lips just pop from my face, doing justice to their fullness and shape.
Speaking of which, it gives me uncomfortably great pleasure in announcing that, as a special gesture to my fans, whose patience and faith I owe so much to, I will be giving away special imprints of my lips on paper in lieu of autographs all season long. Come get some, folks.
Pattinson prepares for revenge
James Pattinson wants to take
revenge on England for the treatment meted out to his brother Darren years ago.
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Warner critiques England's Ashes poem

Also: why Lehmann is cooler than Arthur, and why the Ashes are endangering Indian cows

R Rajkumar
Warner offers up scathing critique of Ashes poem
A poem commissioned (written?) by the ECB to be published on the opening day of the Ashes to commemorate the series has received a damning review from Australian batsman and poetry scholar Dave Warner.
"This is doggerel, not poetry," said Warner, folding his arms across his argyle sweater vest and thoughtfully creasing his well-furrowed forehead. "Frankly speaking, the imagery is of the schoolboy variety, the rhyming is gratuitous and trite, and don't even get me started on the rhythm."
The Australian batsman, who teaches an advanced poetry course on Ancient Greek Poetry (seventh to fourth centuries BC) at the University of Western Australia when he isn't playing cricket, is notorious for being a hard taskmaster when it comes to respecting the rules and strictures of orthodox poetry.
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Eight reasons why Australia will win the Ashes

It may all look fine and dandy for England at the moment, but don't be fooled

Alex Bowden
These are challenging times for England cricket fans. For decades, we have prided ourselves on our pessimism and our ability to support the team in the face of repeated failures. However, as this summer's Ashes series approaches, we find ourselves in a situation where Australia appear in disarray and England are being spoken of as huge favourites by almost everyone who cares to pass comment, including by many Australians. How can we possibly hope to fulfil our role in this climate? It's times like this when you need to up your game. Let's accentuate the negatives.
Joe Root's due a poor score
I've covered the concept of being "due" a good score
previously. It is - presumably - based on the premise that batsmen have a finite number of runs to apportion as they see fit. When a batsman is performing poorly, team-mates, coaches and the opposition will always talk of him being due a big innings.
The corollary of this is that a run of good scores is actually cause for concern because it indicates that the batsman in question has been frittering away his stock of runs carelessly. Joe Root is young and inexperienced and the early part of his international career has revealed that he is unfamiliar with the concept of setting aside runs for later. This is incredibly worrying.
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